My Works

Bagian ini adalah catatan tentang karya-karya saya, termasuk buku-buku yang sudah terbit dan masih tersedia di toko-toko buku. Sejak belia saya sudah menulis 142 judul buku, tetapi yang masih diperjualbelikan ada sekitar 90 judul buku. Jangan lupa baca dan beli ya. Selain itu, saya juga menulis skenario dan menjadi supervisor skenario sinetron dan film. Ada juga publikasi jurnal ilmiah yang saya tulis sebagai dedikasi atas ilmu Linguistik yang saya pelajari.

Some of my books

This section is a record of my works, including books that have been published and are still available in bookstores. Since I was young, I have written 142 titles, but there are about 60 titles still being traded. Don’t forget to read and buy it. Besides that, I also wrote a screenplay and became a soap opera and film supervisor. There are also scientific journal publications that I wrote as a dedication to the Linguistic sciences that I learned.

My latest book


Ari Kinoysan Wulandari